ThermiTight Face & Neck Tightening
Thermi RF is based on new technology from radiofrequency that utilizes a minimally invasive procedure approach to skincare. ThermiTight uses Thermi RF in order to create deepening from the tissue and tightening loose skin for visually appealing results. This energy is what causes the loose skin of the face and neck tightening to occur. Once punctured with a small needle beneath the skin, a probe is placed within the targeted tissues. The probe is then directed for tightening while being managed through radio-frequency energy in a precise manner.
ThermiTight delivers this RF energy exactly where treatment is needed, providing the best possible non-surgical skin tightening treatment for both the face and neck available today. Deep tissues in the neck and jowls are heated using a radio-frequency probe. Since the device is placed directly into the tissues, the area is then placed to an effective temperature that ensures tightening without any cause of damage to the overlying skin. A thermostat is displayed internally which assures that the desired temperature is achieved. In addition, an infrared thermal camera monitors the external portions of the skin temperature to maintain the deep tissues properly treated and that the skin remains at a safe, reliable temperature. This effectively outcomes a secure, precise, and well-founded procedure in the heating of the deep tissues possible in order to give the best possible results tightening deep tissues and skin without the mandatory need for surgery.
What is ThermiTight?
ThermiTight is considered a non-surgical method in tightening portions of deepened tissues and skin. From being seen as a non-surgical alternative, it is commonly utilized in improving the patient’s neck and lower jowl with a facial lift. The goal of this procedure is mainly in improving the patient’s skin and tissue from their neck and jowls without required surgery and minimal downtime.
In order to tighten these areas, ThermiTight uses Thermi RF technology. It will tighten the neck and jowls, while done under local anesthesia for comfort measures. Clinically seen as minimally invasive, it allows for barely any downtime. Favored by skincare specialists, ThermiTight provides one of the best possible non-surgical skin treatments available.
How Does ThermiTight Face and Neck Tightening Work?
ThermiTight uses radio frequency in order to obtain a minimally non-invasive procedure, heating the deep tissues from the neck and lower portion of the face. Radio-frequency, commonly known as RF energy, has been used by skincare specialists for a decade in terms of tightening skin and tissues of the face and neck.
Targeted portions of the skin are then threaded with a thin probe, gently delivering RF energy towards the targeted regions of the neck and jowls. The probe itself begins to heat the targeted tissue in a predetermined temperature setting. The monitored internal and external temperatures ensure the safe and optimal heating of the tissues.
Previously, RF energy was traditionally transferred through transducers over the skin. Due to how sensitive the skin is to heat, the amount of energy that can be delivered was limited. ThermiTight is innovative in its approach, as it completely bypasses the outer portion of the skin, delivering radiofrequency from below compared to others. This allows for optimal heating of the deep tissues without causing any damage to overlying skin.
Recovery from a ThermiTight Face and Neck Tightening Procedure
Following the treatment, patients are able to comfortably return home towards their normal daily schedule. Additional supplements such as an applicable dressing after the procedure is placed around your neck and is removed one to two days afterward. Many patients commonly drive themselves to and from the office. However, if you take a relaxant applicant, you will need someone else drive you due to safety precautions. While uncommon, bruising is possible after the procedure, causing some swelling to occur. The majority of patients will be able to return to their normal lifestyle within a few days of the procedure. Some results may be noticed immediately, with improvement over the next few months.
Frequently Asked Questions About ThermiTight
Will there be any incisions during the procedure?
No. A ThermiTight procedure is performed via a small needle, placed under the chin and the ears. Then the probe is inserted, to treat the requested areas. Afterward, because there are no incisions, no sutures are needed.
Will I experience any pain with ThermiTight?
Usually, ThermiTight is performed with the patient under local anesthesia. Dr. Jacono will then perform the procedure and treat the area. By taking a mild sedative, it allows some patients to relax, with the alternative being IV sedation, if requested. The majority of patients report minimal or no discomfort, post-op. However, any discomfort that may be present, can be treated with a common household medicine: Tylenol (Acetaminophen). It is significantly rare to require stronger pain medications.
How is ThermiTight safe?
Patients have no need to worry because, during the procedure, the ThermiTight RF device has a thermistor monitoring the temperature and maintaining the temperature level set by Dr. Jacono. Depending on the area that needs treatment, the temperature can vary. The device also has a thermal IR camera, which monitors your skin’s temperature. While being good for safety, these devices also allow for a more effective treatment process. If the temperature were to go over the desired level, the machine shut-offs automatically, to preserve the safety of the patient.
When will my results become noticeable?
While most patients will see results within the first 30 days post-op, the results can continue to show improvements over several months. Most of the results are seen within 3 months, however, the treated areas can continue to provide better results, even one year after the procedure.
Do I need more than one treatment?
Only one treatment of ThermiTight is required for results to be seen, however, it is recommended that most patients have up to 2 to 3 procedures for the best results.
How long should I expect my ThermiTight results to last?
ThermiTight is a permanent solution for tightening the treated areas.
Is ThermiTight a better than a facelift or neck lift?
ThermiTight is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift/neck lift, but not an equal. A neck lift surgery or a facelift is the best possible treatment, in order to correct loose jowls and a hanging neck. ThermiTight is often performed on patients that, are simply, not ready for a neck or facial lift, and those who want an alternative that has no incisions.
How long will I experience swelling?
Swelling of the skin, after the procedure, can dissipate within 3 days, up to a week.
Schedule Your Thermitight Consultation
To learn more about THERMItight face and neck tightening or to schedule your appointment, contact one of our Thermi specialists at (516) 773-2424. You can also complete an online consultation request and one of our patient coordinators will be happy to assist.